Sunday, November 27, 2011


According to Urban Dictionary, Parliaments are smoked "predominately by 20- and 30-something sluts", but I'm more familiar with the stereotype of hipsters and white "indie kids" smoking them, though I've never met someone who does. The hipsters most likely like them because they are so rare making only 1.7% of  Philip Morris Company's sales. They are popular with well-to-do 20-plus folks.

US Varieties:

  • Blue Pack (Full Flavor) Kings - Box
  • White Pack (Lights) Kings - Soft and Box
  • White Pack (Lights) 100's - Soft and Box
  • Silver Pack (Ultra Lights) Kings - Box

The cigarettes are also sold in Israel, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Ukraine, Montenegro, and Japan, and different vrieties may be found in those parts.

A poem by this girl about Parliaments suggests that hipsters do in fact smoke this cigarette.
Dreaming of;
Feet dangling from the edge of a cliff
Frank Ocean Playing from my car
Ocean beneath my feet
Pack of parliaments
Fat sac of Heavenly Kush
And a boat full of people approaching, full of people who all share the same wish:
To get away from Society, Money, People, and find a land for the few sincere people who exist these days, where we’d start a new way of life.
Parliaments are characterized with a sharp, tangy flavor and are only made from "first class tobacco" (According to a website that tried to sell them to me). They have a unique special filter-mouthpiece that cools the smoke and supposedly adds to the taste. The filters have been rumored to be designed for recreational cocaine snorting but the company stands by the statement that they decrease the "tar content".
Parliaments are represented by some pretty cool folks and have great ads:

US Varieties:

  • Blue Pack (Full Flavor) Kings - Box
  • White Pack (Lights) Kings - Soft and Box
  • White Pack (Lights) 100's - Soft and Box
  • Silver Pack (Ultra Lights) Kings - Box

The cigarettes are also sold in Israel, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Ukraine, Montenegro, and Japan, and different vrieties may be found in those parts.
Parliaments are represented by some pretty cool folks and have great ads:

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